Late last month 250 more discipleship books were distributed among South Koreans at a missions conference in just a few minutes, bringing the total distributed to around 800. At the distribution, everyone was challenged to make friends with at least one North Korean, to visit them in their current home in SK and read the Bible together using the discipleship book material. The head of the mission agency is leading the charge to have these South Koreans focused on interactive, love, Word and obedience-based discipleship.

1. Pray for the Impact of the books: Pray that the 800 discipleship books distributed among South Korean Christians and missionaries will bear much fruit. Ask God to use these materials to deepen the faith and discipleship of both the S. Koreans and the N. Koreans they reach.

2. Pray for Relationship Building: Pray for the missionaries as they strive to make meaningful friendships with N. Koreans. Ask God to open doors for genuine relationships and for these connections to be built on love, trust, and mutual respect.

3. Pray for Home Visits and Bible Study: Pray for the missionaries as they visit N. Koreans in their homes and read the Bible together using the discipleship book material. Ask God to bless these gatherings with His presence and for the Word to be transformative in their lives.

4. Pray for the Mission Agency Leadership: Pray for the head of the mission agency and the leadership team as they guide and support the missionaries. Ask for wisdom, strength, and discernment as they lead this charge focused on interactive, love, Word, and obedience-based discipleship.

5. Pray for Obedience and Love: Pray that the missionaries will be obedient to God’s calling and that their ministry will be characterized by Christ-like love. Ask God to fill them with compassion, patience, and perseverance as they serve.

6. Pray for Transformation and Growth: Pray that the N. Koreans who are being discipled will experience transformation and growth in their faith. Ask God to work powerfully in their hearts, leading them to a deeper understanding of His love and truth.