Pray for young adults in North Korea, where religious freedom is severely restricted. But we know that God hears our prayers and so we take these requests before Him on behalf of brothers and sisters in North Korea.

  1. Pray for Safety and Protection: Ask for God’s protection over young adults in North Korea, especially those who may face persecution for their beliefs or actions deemed contrary to the state’s ideology.
  2. Pray for Strength and Courage: Pray that young adults in North Korea may find the inner strength and courage to navigate the challenges they face, whether it’s in expressing their faith or pursuing their aspirations in a restrictive environment.
  3. Pray for Hope and Resilience: Pray that despite the difficult circumstances, young adults in North Korea hold onto hope and resilience, believing in a better future and not losing sight of their dreams and aspirations.
  4. Pray for Access to Information and Resources: Pray that young adults in North Korea may have access to information and resources that can empower them intellectually, spiritually, and practically, despite the regime’s efforts to control information.
  5. Pray for Opportunities for Growth: Pray that opportunities for personal and spiritual growth may arise for young adults in North Korea, whether through encounters with compassionate individuals, access to educational resources, or exposure to alternative perspectives.
  6. Pray for Reconciliation and Peace: Pray for reconciliation and peace on the Korean peninsula, so that young adults can live in a society where they can freely express themselves, pursue their dreams, and contribute to building a better future for themselves and their nation.
  7. Pray for Open Hearts and Minds: Pray that the hearts and minds of those in power in North Korea may be opened to the value of human rights, freedom of expression, and religious freedom, leading to positive changes in the country’s policies and practices.